
Livermore High School Tri Tip BBQ Heats Up!

Livermore High School Tri Tip BBQ

Our lenders do more than serve their community with mortgage and housing needs. Often, members of the AllPro Mortgage Team can be found lending a hand. 

This month, Lori Porter, an AllPro Loan Officer, lent her hand to volunteer to help make the Livermore High School FFA Tri Tip BBQ a hot event! Here is a great summary from Lori herself!

Livermore High School FFA Tri Tip BBQ was a complete success!!!! I cannot thank all of our supporters enough. Thank you to everyone who purchased a dinner and boy it looks delicious. I could not do it without our sponsors and BBQ crew. The BBQ crew comes every time I call and could not do it without them. Thank you to the Jr  Livestock Auction Booster, Kim Bonde, John Masters, Leo Murray, Ken Moore, John Bowles, Mark Rose, Greg Harris, Andy Fowler, Jake Foscalina, Dominic Foscalina, Rick Groth, Mark Bradford, Charlie Sweet, John Goltz, and Junior Mendoza.  Of course without my dad, Charles Foscalina, I am not sure what I would do. He makes the calls, lines up the crew and loves to drive me a little crazy!!! My Sister-in-law also makes life much easier with her help with the food. Thanks so much  Kris Mahoney!!!. We had a crazy amount of sponsors who helped to make this such a great fundraiser. And I would be remiss if I forgot to thank some awesome kids who helped out all day to get this ready!! Remember them come fair time and the auction!! They are great kids. Thank you again and I hope everyone enjoyed their meals!!!

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